Raising the vibration of the planet through healing and ascension, one soul at a time.

Neoshi outdoors in a yellow shirt with hand near face.
Neoshi outdoors smiling in a green blouse.
Neoshi outdoors in a white shirt, hands in prayer, head titled up, and hands in prayer.

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We’re spiritual beings having a human experience.

Neoshi outdoors with eyes closed behind a plant.

There’s so much more to life than what we’ve been taught and more and more people are awakening to this every day. In fact, I’m sure you’re one of them.

At our core, we’re spiritual beings having a physical experience. The challenges we experience are based on our soul’s intended mission in this lifetime. Relationship and family problems, career blocks, financial struggles, emotional conflicts, and even physical ailments all seem to take center stage in our lives.

When we’re on the right path our life is full of bliss and harmony. However, when we stray from that path our life seems to turn completely upside down.

This is our soul’s way of telling us that changes are needed. Unfortunately, when we’re knee deep in the middle of it all, it can be difficult to see our way out.

I’m a Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, and I work with women (and a few brave men) who are on a spiritual journey to heal their souls, break through blockages, and align with their divine purpose.

During my sessions, I use a combination of Transpersonal, Introspective, and Clinical Hypnotherapy techniques to assist you in resolving your most pressing issues. Each session is unique and highly spiritual.

Do the work and break generational cycles.

Find the cause of unexplained emotions, anxieties, fears, and challenges in just one session.


What if I told you that some of your life challenges and issues may very well be connected to unresolved issues from your past life? Whether it’s 100 years or 1,000 years ago, trauma from your past life can significantly affect the life you’re experiencing now.

When left unresolved, this trauma can show up in ways such as challenges in your relationships (like mistrust or abandonment), anxiousness or depressed feelings, fear, and even physical symptoms (such as pain or discomfort).

During a session, my objective is to look for pending issues that might have originated in your current life or a past one. Wouldn’t it be great to know the cause of your challenges and finally resolve them?


Your Higher Self knows everything there is to know about you and the life you’re living. It is much, much more complex than the subconscious generally dealt with in psychology and can answer any and every question you have.

It is an immense resource of wisdom, intelligent insight, and knowing that can bring real meaning, fulfillment, and purpose to your life. Oftentimes, your Higher Self is accompanied by your spirit guides and ancestors (also known as your spirit team).

When your Higher Self, or Spirit Team, is present, you’re able to answer questions you’ve been struggling with for years — possibly lifetimes.

Obtaining this information on your behalf is crucial to the healing aspect of your session as it provides you with comfort, support, and a greater understanding of many areas of your life.

Your Higher Self, or Spirit Team, will only choose to share information that is appropriate and beneficial to you at that time.​ If appropriate, this part of you can also provide physical and emotional healing. It may do this instantly, or its healing work will continue for days, weeks, and even months after your session.


If the origin of your issue isn’t found in your present life or a past one, it can very well be a symptom of a spirit or energy attachment. Attachments come in many forms; however, they are often lost souls in need of assistance.

During a session, I utilize your Higher Self and Spirit Team to conduct a “body scan” to search for any attachments or blockages that need to be released.

If found, these attachments are treated with love and respect. After helping them resolve their issues, we assist them with returning to the light to continue their spiritual evolution.

Once these attachments leave, any symptoms, thoughts, or behavior they caused also leave, allowing you almost immediate relief.

Sloane Ann E.

Jump on this! If you are interested in past lives and where some of your patterning comes from, this was one of the most mind-blowing experiences I’ve had. Going back and listening to our almost 4-hour session has been so interesting. Neoshi is really talented at guiding this process. I highly recommend.”

Melissa H.

“I have done many types of hypnosis and this method is different. You visit past memories and look at them from other perspectives, and also connect with your higher self. The idea is that once you understand the origin and make peace, you are able to reprogram your subconscious quickly and better move forward. Neoshi was a pleasure to work with.

Noeshi prayer toward the sky in a white shirt outdoors


“Since our session, I have felt more clearheaded. And the people chattering in my head are calm. I also don’t feel like an outsider looking in. I feel like I am part of the conversation now.”


Neoshi helped facilitate a clearing that has been needed for a long time — that I didn’t even know I was holding on to. The release was unexpected and I felt secure in her presence with deep trust. She is on her purpose sharing her gifts with her service. She is a gem.”

Noeshi outdoors in a yellow shirt looking away.